Full Movie Madras Cafe HD
Download Madras Cafe Online Streaming with duration 130 Min and released on 2013-08-23 with MPAA rating is 17.
- Original Title : Madras Cafe
- Movie title in your country : Madras Cafe
- Year of movie : 2013
- Genres of movie : Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2013-08-23
- Companies of movie : JA Entertainment, Rising Sun Films,
- Countries of movie : India,
- Language of movie : हिन्दी,
- Durationof movie : 130 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7
- Youtube ID of movie : hnkKI01I0Ac
- Translation of movie : EN,TR,ZH,HE,
- Actors of movie :
- John Abraham ( Vikram Singh )
- Nargis Fakhri ( Jaya Sahni )
- Rashi Khanna ( Ruby )
- Siddhartha Basu ( Robin Dutt )
- Ajay Rathnam ( Anna Bhaskaran )
- Leena Maria Paul ( Tamil rebel )
- Prakash Belawadi ( Bala Krishnan )
Madras Cafe Synopsis:Full Streaming Madras Cafe An Indian Intelligence agent journeys into a war torn coastal island, to break a resolute rebel group. He deftly maneuvers his resources to make significant breakthroughs, amidst a scenario where the enemy has no face and the only counsel is 'Don't get caught.' At various junctions, he meets a charismatic and passionate journalist who is following her will to reflect the truth behind the civil war. The story unfolds as their quest for the truth reveals a deeper conspiracy, by a faceless enemy, united to seize a common nemesis - India. Full Movie Madras Cafe Full Movie HD
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