Watch Movie A Prayer for Rain Movie Streaming
Watch Movie A Prayer for Rain Streaming In HD with duration 103 Min and broadcast on 2013-10-18 with MPAA rating is 1.
- Original Title : A Prayer for Rain
- Movie title in your country : A Prayer for Rain
- Year of movie : 2013
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2013-10-18
- Companies of movie : Sahara One Motion Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom, India,
- Language of movie : हिन्दी, English,
- Durationof movie : 103 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6
- Youtube ID of movie : znvcQBua--w
- Translation of movie : EN,EL,
- Actors of movie :
- Martin Sheen ( Warren Anderson )
- Mischa Barton ( Eva )
- Kal Penn ( Motwani )
- Rajpal Yadav ( Dilip )
- Tannishtha Chatterjee ( Leela )
30 years have passed. It's time to tell their story.A Prayer for Rain Synopsis:Online Streaming A Prayer for Rain Thirty years on from the 1984 Union Carbide plant malfunction, the consequences of which are tragically ongoing, A Prayer for Rain is the powerful and moving story of the Bhopal tragedy, one of the great corporate and environmental scandals of the last half-century. It dramatises the dependence of the local community on the chemical plant that will eventually cause catastrophe, and the series of oversights that led to an event that stands as a benchmark for corporate irresponsibility in the developing world. Watch Movie A Prayer for Rain High Quality
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Movie Title: A Prayer for Rain (2013) Movie Online Streaming In HD
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