Full Movie До балчак For Free
Watch Movie До балчак High Quality with duration 165 Min and broadcast on 2014-09-14 with MPAA rating is 2.
- Original Title : До балчак
- Movie title in your country : До балчак
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama, War,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-09-14
- Companies of movie : Triangl Film,
- Countries of movie : Macedonia,
- Language of movie : Français, Turkçe, , English,
- Durationof movie : 165 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.5
- Youtube ID of movie : 35q1sKuUypw
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Cast of movie :
- Inti Sraj ( Tereza )
- Saško Kocev ( Krsto )
- Martin Jordanoski ( Filip )
- Toni Mihajlovski ( Muzafer )
- Senko Velinov ( Boro )
- Iskra Veterova ( Ana )
- Predrag Miki Manojlović ( Bogdan )
- Nikola Kojo ( Agent )
- Dragan Spasov - Dac ( Sise )
До балчак Synopsis:Online Streaming До балчак Macedonia is a small country, in the heart of the Balkans, which for five centuries was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. The action of the film "To the Hilt" takes place in the years of the general collapse and "free fall", after the Macedonian uprising of 1903 which was extinguished in blood. The story is a love quadrangle between an uncompromising idealist rebel, a merciless Turkish officer, an opportunist rich man's son returning home after his studies in Europe and a lucid and open minded European woman, who flirts with the three men and puts in train a series of events with dire consequences, that she could hardly imagine. The film is a harsh and romantic story in which the eternal Macedonian cause for own identity and independence is seen through the prism of relativity of the ideas of freedom, justice, love, sacrifice, and treason. Download До балчак Full Movie HD
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Movie Title: До балчак (2014) Full Movie Free Online
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