Full Movie V tichu Movie Streaming
Download V tichu Streaming In HD with duration 84 Min and released on 2014-07-09 with MPAA rating is 2.
- Original Title : V tichu
- Movie title in your country : V tichu
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama, History, Foreign,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-07-09
- Companies of movie : Česka televize, RTVS, i/o post, SFU, FURIA FILM,
- Countries of movie : Czech Republic, Slovakia,
- Language of movie : Český,
- Durationof movie : 84 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.8
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Cast of movie :
- Judit Bardos ( Edith Kraus )
- Jan Ctvrtnik ( Karol Elbert )
- Jan Gallovic ( Arthur Chitz )
- Kristina Svarinska ( )
- Laco Hrušovský ( )
- Dana Kosicka ( )
- Valeria Staskova ( )
V tichu Synopsis:Online Streaming V tichu Slovak musicologist Agata Schindlerova, now settled in Dresden, has spent years mapping out the forgotten destinies of Jewish musicians whose lives were irrevocably marked by the advance of nazism. Scenes from the lives of several of them are portrayed in the film In Silence (ballet dancer Alice Flachova, pianist and conductor Karol Ebert, composer, conductor and director of the Dresden Theatre Arthur Chitz, pianist Edith Kraus, and the vocal ensemble Comedian Harmonists), which draws a sharp contrast between the protagonists’ carefree existence working and making music during the pre-war era and the subsequent severe upheaval in their lives brought on by the proliferation of nazism. Full Movie V tichu Streaming In HD
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Producer : Livia Filusova, Cinematography : Michal Černý, Director of Photography : Michal Černý, Music : Martin Hasak, Director : Zdeněk Jiraský, Script : Zdeněk Jiraský, Editor : Hedvika Hansalova,
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Movie Title: V tichu (2014) HD Movies Online
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