Watch Movie A Estrada 47 Full Movie HD
Watch Movie A Estrada 47 Full Movie HD with duration 107 Min and broadcast on 2014-08-01 with MPAA rating is 0.
- Original Title : A Estrada 47
- Movie title in your country : A Estrada 47
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama, War,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-08-01
- Companies of movie : Verdeoro, Stopline Films, Tres Mundos Produçoes, Primo Filmes,
- Countries of movie : Brazil, Italy, Portugal,
- Language of movie : Italiano, Portugues,
- Durationof movie : 107 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie : 3OCo0jqStWo
- Translation of movie : PT,EN,
- Cast of movie :
- Sergio Rubini ( Roberto )
- Daniel de Oliveira ( Guimaraes (Guima) )
- Thogun ( Sargento Laurindo )
- Francisco Gaspar ( Piaui )
- Julio Andrade ( Tenente Penha )
- Richard Sammel ( Colonnello Mayer )
- Daniele Grassetti ( Partigiano )
- Ivo Canelas ( Rui )
A Estrada 47 Synopsis:Online Streaming A Estrada 47 During World War II, looking up the Mountain, in Italy, a Brazilian Expeditionary Force - FEB - mines weeping platoon is hit by a panic-attack that sets them running aimlessly right in the middle of 'no man's land'. Desperate cold and hungry, the ill-prepared soldiers have to choose between facing military court or delve deeper into enemy lines. After a tense discussion, they decide to save their faces with the Brazilian Army by tackling a daring military objective: to disarm the most feared minefield in Italy. On their way there, they end meeting two others deserters; a remorseful Italian soldier trying to join the Partigianos and German officer who is just simply tired of war. with unexpected help of their ex-enemy, the soldiers are set to accomplish a mission that so far had been deemed impossible. Full Movie A Estrada 47 Full Streaming
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Director : Vicente Ferraz, Writer : Vicente Ferraz, Producer : Joana Mariani, Producer : Matias Mariani, Producer : Isabel Martinez, Cinematography : Carlos Arango De Montis, Music : Luiz Avellar, Editor : Mair Tavares, Art Direction : Sergio Tribastone, Costume Design : Elisabetta Antico, Makeup Department Head : Federico Carretti, Foley : Vladan Nedeljkov, Foley : Aleksandra Stojanovic, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Branko Neskov, Sound Editor : Ivan Neskov, Visual Effects Supervisor : Robson Sartori,
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