Watch Movie Saving Mr. Banks Streaming In HD
Watch Movie Saving Mr. Banks Full Streaming with duration 125 Min and broadcast on 2013-12-20 with MPAA rating is 374.
- Original Title : Saving Mr. Banks
- Movie title in your country : Saving Mr. Banks
- Year of movie : 2013
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Drama, History,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2013-12-20
- Companies of movie : Hopscotch Features, Walt Disney Pictures, Ruby Films, Essential Media & Entertainment, BBC Films,
- Countries of movie : Australia, United Kingdom, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 125 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.5
- Youtube ID of movie : nijccxWvyXU
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,RU,FR,NL,ES,PL,EL,DE,SK,BG,ZH,PT,DA,HU,TR,CS,KO,SV,HE,JA,
- Actors of movie :
- Emma Thompson ( P.L. Travers )
- Tom Hanks ( Walt Disney )
- Paul Giamatti ( Ralph )
- Colin Farrell ( Travers Robert Goff )
- Ruth Wilson ( Margaret Goff )
- Jason Schwartzman ( Richard Sherman )
- Bradley Whitford ( Don DaGradi )
- Annie Rose Buckley ( Ginty )
- B. J. Novak ( Robert Sherman )
- Kathy Baker ( Tommie )
- Lily Bigham ( Biddy )
- Kathy Baker ( Tommie )
- Melanie Paxson ( Dolly )
- Andy McPhee ( Mr. Belhatchett )
- Rachel Griffiths ( Aunt Ellie )
- Ronan Vibert ( Diarmuid Russell )
Where her book ended, their story began.Saving Mr. Banks Synopsis:Watch Streaming Saving Mr. Banks Author P.L. Travers travels from London to Hollywood as Walt Disney Pictures adapts her novel Mary Poppins for the big screen. Full Movie Saving Mr. Banks High Quality
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Full Movie Saving Mr. Banks Full Movie 1080p
Director : John Lee Hancock, Producer : Ian Collie, Executive Producer : Christine Langan, Executive Producer : Troy Lum, Executive Producer : Andrew Mason, Producer : Alison Owen, Casting : Ronna Kress, Director of Photography : John Schwartzman, Writer : Kelly Marcel, Writer : Sue Smith, Producer : Philip Steuer, Executive Producer : Paul Trijbits, Original Music Composer : Thomas Newman, Editor : Mark Livolsi, Production Design : Michael Corenblith, Art Direction : Lauren E. Polizzi,
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Movie Title: Saving Mr. Banks (2013) Online With High Quality
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